Sew Your Own

Following on from my Fabric Friday’s post here is what I have been getting up to with my skirt…

New shows like The Great British Sewing Bee has inspired a new generation of sewers, who want to make their own clothes. Just the other day I was in John Lewis contending with numerous other customers, young and old for the advise of the lady behind the pattern counter.

I personally have never sewn clothes nor attempted it. More of a decorative sewer, I stitch gifts for friends and family and for fun. After avidly watching the show every Tuesday I have been inspired to sew my own clothes. Wanting to start off with something simple I got an A-line skirt pattern by New Look from John Lewis and everything I need to sew a skirt myself.

Everything you need to sew your own skirt

Everything you need to sew your own skirt

Once I got everything I needed to make a skirt: fabric, pattern, zip, interface, and matching thread I was ready to get snipping.

The first step is to find a space big and flat enough to lay out your pattern before you cut them out. Fortunately at home we have a large kitchen table which was perfect otherwise you could use a space on the floor.


Once your all cut out then you need to lay you pattern pieces on your fabric. The New Look patterns give you an example of how best to position your patterns. Make sure you look closely and see if any pieces need to be placed on the fold.


When your happy pin down your pattern.


Then using fabric scissors get cutting.


Until you have cut all your pieces out.


Then press your fabric to remove all creases.


Then you are ready to tack and stitch.

I have only got this far then I had to stop because real life caught up with me but next time I have a free moment I will finish off my skirt and keep you updated.

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